Something else too.. how far can you afford to go in hair removal? For instance, John, my friend, would like so much to have smooth legs and arms, but alas his wife knows and loves his heavy, black, rasculine covering even if he wanted to remove it he couldn't. If others see your arms or legs and you can't afford to have them smooth and feminine they you will have to decide just how far you can go in hair removal, You can to some extend de empha- size hair and offset its disturbing effect. You can use gloves--elbow length if necessary, and wear double nylons on your legs. Some time s bleaching the hair de-emphasizes it without actually removing it. You can also remove it gradually by clipping it shorter first then thin it out by picking at it with the razor in short strokes. If com- ments are made there are numerous excuses. You can say that its cooler, that you get ingrown hairs, or its more difficult to tan or you can take the bull by the horns and just say you don't like hairiness.
The Sexologists describe hair as a secondary sex char- acteristic but it often holds much importance to the indi- vidual. The presence of considerable body hair is not an indication of masculinity since many women have hairier arms and legs than a lot of men and many highly developed amateur Hercules types on muscle beach have quite smooth skins. Remember that people are not going to measure your virility in terms of hair growth ...they won't use it to measure you at all. Your concern about hair growth or its absence is of much more concern to you than to others. They are probably not going to notice either its presence or its absence except in expreme cases... most people are too concerned about themselves to be too observing or con- cerned about others.
I recently exhibited my pink almost hairless body to a complete physical examination. My fear at revealing my satin smooth legs was almost pathological I asked the doctor to examine me closely as I feared a gradual femin- izing (feared! haha), To my surprise and chagrin he was completely unconcerned when I dropped my trousers. amined me thoroughly and said he found no feminization, my fears and guilt were wholly imaginary----are yours too?
He ex- SO